Coenzyme Q10 - Information


Q10, which is also called coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinone, is found in all cells of the body. The highest concentration is found in the heart, brain and muscles, but also the intestinal mucosa, kidneys and liver naturally have a higher content of Q10. The body has the ability to produce Q10 itself, but that ability declines with increasing age. Since animals and plants also produce Q10, we also get this through the diet. The function of being a coenzyme means that the substance contributes to the enzyme's activity without being consumed itself, i.e. a coenzyme can be "reused" to activate several enzyme processes in the body.

Energy and reduced fatigue

Vitamin C is a versatile vitamin that affects energy metabolism as well as the immune system. The research shows that vitamin C actively contributes to normal energy metabolism and to the immune system maintaining its normal function. Likewise, vitamin C contributes to reducing fatigue and exhaustion, even during and after intense physical exercise.

Extra support of B2

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) also supports energy by contributing to normal energy metabolism and reducing fatigue and exhaustion. Like vitamin C, vitamin B2 has the ability to contribute to the cells' protection against so-called oxidative stress, i.e. the biochemical processes where the oxygen compounds that the body itself creates (a side effect of the vital oxygen we breathe) can damage cells and organs.