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This is how the stomach can be helped to function better

When we say "functioning stomach" we usually mean the entire digestive system. And it already starts in the mouth and continues all the way down through the intestines. The intestinal system is like a world of its own with millions of bacteria that need to be kept in balance.

When we eat and need to assimilate nutrition from the diet, the body must break down the food in order for us to be able to absorb energy and nutrition. This job is done with the help of enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The work already starts in the mouth and continues through the stomach and down into the intestinal system.

The good environment in the gut

The intestinal flora, i.e. the bacteria in the large intestine, is very important for our health and is almost like an organ of its own. The large intestine contains approximately one hundred thousand billion bacteria, which is more than the number of cells in the body and corresponds to more than 1 kg of bacteria. The bacteria in the colon help to break down undigested food but also have a number of other important functions in the body. The intestinal bacteria manufacture vitamins, process bile acids and break down toxic substances. The intestinal flora also protects against the growth of disease-causing bacteria (pathogens) that could otherwise cause an infection. The natural intestinal flora is important for the maturation of the immune cells, not only in the intestine but also in other parts of the body.

The intestinal flora consists of both beneficial and disease-causing bacteria that live in symbiosis. When the balance between these is disturbed, the gut is in so-called dysbiosis and that is when you can get stomach problems. The intestinal flora can be normalized by adding live beneficial bacteria that rebuild the balance in the intestine. It is also important to eat fiber-rich foods that feed the good bacteria, these are also called prebiotics. Examples of foods rich in prebiotic fibers include asparagus, artichokes, onions, lentils, almonds, bananas and legumes.

Regular "away transport"

Just as important as our food being broken down properly, so that we can assimilate the benefits, is that the residual products are transported away. This happens with the help of the movement of the intestines, the so-called peristalsis. At the beginning of the intestinal system, this happens pretty much all the time, at the same time as the body assimilates the nutrition. But in the large intestine, the remains are collected and pooled. For this process to work, the colon is only active about four times a day. It is during these active periods that we get the signal that we need to go to the toilet.