Vitamin D winter - so you get enough article image

Vitamin D winter - so you get enough

In the summer we are often out in the sun which gives us both warmth and energy, something we are not as spoiled with in Sweden during the autumn and winter. The sun also gives us vitamin D thanks to its UV rays hitting our skin during the summer. Vitamin D is an extremely important substance for health and well-being and something we should get every day.

The sun is one of our most important sources of vitamin D, but when autumn arrives, the sun's rays reach us at a different angle than during the summer, which means that the skin can no longer absorb the vitamin during this period. It becomes extra important to find other sources to simply get enough vitamin D.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is not actually a true vitamin but a collective name for a group of fat-soluble steroid hormones. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is found in animals and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is found in plants.

Almost every cell in the body has receptors for vitamin D, which is why it has such a big impact on our health and well-being. Because it is a fat-soluble substance, it can be stored in the body, so we don't pee out the excess like we do with many other vitamins, such as vitamin C.

If we are good at staying out in the sun during the summer months, we fill up our stores, which will then last a couple of months into the fall. When the stores start to run low, it is important to replenish them, but in ways other than through the sun. That is why there is so much talk about the importance of vitamin D during the fall and winter (October-May) in the Nordic countries, and many people choose dietary supplements to meet the body's daily needs.

The power of vitamin D

Vitamin D has many functions in the body, hence its great importance for our health. Something that has been highlighted a lot in recent years, since the pandemic, is the vitamin's impact on the function of the immune system. Several of the cells of the immune system depend on vitamin D to function optimally, which affects how well the body handles infections. A regular intake of vitamin D is therefore important for the function of the immune system.

Calcium is good for strong bones, you've probably heard that? What you should also know is that vitamin D is needed for calcium and phosphorus to be absorbed well by the body and, just like calcium, contributes to normal bone structure.

Something you may not know is that vitamin D is also important for muscle function and development. Vitamin D is involved in muscle contraction (when the muscle contracts) and in muscle growth.

In addition to the above functions, vitamin D also affects calcium levels in the blood, the proper functioning of all cell division processes in the body, and the calcium balance in our teeth.

Signs of low levels of vitamin D (vitamin D deficiency)

  • Impaired immune function (often getting colds or other infections)
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Muscle weakness
  • Difficulty walking
  • Cramps
  • Decreased appetite
  • Impaired cognitive functions (e.g. memory, concentration, etc.)

How much do we need per day?

The Swedish National Food Agency recommends between 10 micrograms to 20 micrograms per day for children and adults depending on age. This is the amount we need to get EVERY DAY all year round. This is what the Swedish National Food Agency writes.

"To get enough vitamin D, the Swedish Food Agency recommends that certain groups take vitamin D supplements. This applies to all children under 2 years of age and all adults over 75 years of age. This also applies to anyone who does not eat fish or vitamin D-fortified food and anyone who is not exposed to sunlight in the summer. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are covered by the advice if they are included in any of these groups."

Read more about the Danish Food and Drug Administration's advice on vitamin D here .

3 tips to increase vitamin D intake during winter

  • Eat fatty fish, eggs, and dairy products fortified with vitamin D regularly
  • Vitamin D supplements
  • Travel abroad to the warmth

Vitamin D is also found in food – or is it?

Yes, there is vitamin D in food too, but unfortunately in limited quantities. You can find vitamin D in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring, but eggs and meat also contain some vitamin D. Since there is not much natural vitamin D in our food, some foods are fortified with vitamin D. This applies to certain dairy products (such as yoghurt, fil, milk), plant-based drinks, margarine and food fat mixtures.

Groups at particularly high risk of vitamin D deficiency are therefore vegans, vegetarians and people who do not eat fish or who eat fish rarely.

Foods fortified with vitamin D

  • Dairy products (milk, buttermilk, yogurt)
  • Butter and Margarine
  • Plant-based alternatives to dairy products

Frequently asked questions and answers about vitamin D winter

Should you take vitamin D in the winter?

Answer: Yes, either eat vitamin D-rich foods regularly and/or take supplements to ensure optimal vitamin D levels.

Why is vitamin D deficiency more common during the winter months?

Answer: Because the sun is at an angle that prevents the UV radiation that gives us vitamin D from working. It is also because few foods contain high levels of vitamin D, so overall intake is low, which can lead to vitamin D deficiency.

How much vitamin D do you need in the fall and winter months?

Answer: You need the same amount all year round to avoid risking low levels. It varies with age and if you belong to a risk group, but between 10 micrograms and 20 micrograms per day are the current recommendations, but up to 100 micrograms is an approved amount.

How do you get vitamin D in the fall and winter months?

Answer: By eating vitamin D-rich foods regularly and/or taking vitamin D supplements. A trip abroad to the sun also provides a supplement of vitamin D.

Can you get vitamin D from the sun in the fall and winter months?

Answer: No, unfortunately not.

Who is at risk for vitamin D deficiency?

Answer below:

  • Children under 2 years old.
  • Children and adults who do not eat fatty fish.
  • Children and adults who do not eat vitamin D-fortified foods.
  • Children and adults who wear clothing that covers their face, arms and legs or do not stay in the sun during the summer. Even sunscreen blocks absorption during the summer.
  • Everyone over 75 years old.
  • Vegans and vegetarians.
  • Children and adults who use sunscreen during the summer. It blocks the absorption of vitamin D in the skin.