Hormonal balance

Did you know that your hormone balance plays a decisive role in how your body feels and functions? Your hormones act as messengers and regulate lots of different processes in the body - from metabolism and reproduction to mood and sleep.

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What are hormones?

All humans have hormones. These are chemical signaling substances that are formed in your body, and then sent out into the bloodstream to their final destination. Different hormones have different target cells and in the cell the hormone has the task of either activating or deactivating one of the cell's functions.

You can say that the hormones should either stimulate or slow down various processes - based on the needs of the cell. Your hormone production is affected by what you eat and how much you exercise, but it is also affected by your mental health.

12 important hormones in your body


Adrenaline is a stress hormone – one of the body's most powerful. It kicks in when the body senses danger and helps you flee or fight back. Adrenaline and norepinephrine together increase the breakdown of fat, and this is what the cells then use for rapid energy production when required.

When adrenaline hits, your airways widen at the same time as your blood pressure rises and you become less sensitive to pain.


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is important to your nervous system and muscles and that makes you feel happy. In addition to happiness, this hormone also regulates motor skills, alertness, attention and motivation, among other things. This hormone is strongly linked to your reward system and if you have normal levels of dopamine you should feel calm, happy and motivated. Low levels, on the other hand, can make you feel the opposite.


You've probably heard that you can get an endorphin rush. Often in connection with training or other physical activity. Endorphin levels are also increased by sex and love. When you have high endorphin levels, you often have a feeling of high energy, physical well-being and happiness. High endorphin levels reduce stress, strengthen your immune system, lower blood pressure and counteract depression.


Insulin is blood sugar regulator and ensures that the sugar that ends up in your blood when you have eaten is released into the cells and can thus be used in energy production and fat storage. You probably know that people with type 1 diabetes have almost no insulin production, while people with type 2 diabetes have reduced production. This is why people with diabetes must inject insulin when they eat.


The hormone cortisol is the body's rescue when energy levels in the body are low. As in case of starvation, low blood sugar or prolonged physical exertion. Temporary stress, fight, flight, poor sleep and low blood pressure are other factors that cause the body to secrete cortisol.

Cortisol releases energy by catalyzing the conversion of fat and protein into glucose, this means you get higher blood sugar and thus quick energy. Worth knowing, however, is that long-term chronic stress where you have constantly elevated cortisol levels is not healthy. It can lead to impaired memory, poorer ability to concentrate, reduced immune system, excess weight around the waist and reduced sex drive, among other things.


Melatonin is often called the sleep hormone because it regulates sleep. You have higher melatonin levels at night which then signals to your body that it is time to rest. Did you know that daylight affects your melatonin production? Being outside in daylight during the day can therefore make you sleep better at night.


This is a calming hormone that is released when touched. The hormone gives you a sense of community, nurturing and maternal feelings. It can also increase sex drive, reduce aggression, reduce anxiety and probably also reduce stress.


Progesterone is needed for a woman's uterus to receive a fertilized egg, and for the fetus to remain in the uterus during pregnancy. The hormone also acts as a precursor to estrogen and testosterone.


Serotonin is, just like dopamine, a "feel-good hormone". Serotonin makes you calm and feels joy and meaning. About 90% of your body's serotonin is made in the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that a lack of serotonin can contribute to depression.


The classic male hormone. But did you know that women also have testosterone? This hormone is important for both men and women in terms of sex drive, muscle function and skeleton, but it is more dominant in men.


This abbreviation stands for thyroid-stimulating hormone and is important for the functions of the thyroid gland. TSH stimulates the production of the two thyroid hormones T4 and T3 and is heavily involved in your body's metabolism.


The classic female hormone. But men also have estrogen, albeit in significantly lower levels. It is this hormone that ensures that the woman's menstrual cycle works normally. It also plays a significant role for the skeleton and for the central nervous system.

Common causes of hormone imbalance

There are many different factors that can trigger hormone imbalance, including lifestyle, diet, stress, aging and genetics. If you start to eat a poorer diet, exercise less or have unhealthy habits, it can negatively affect your hormonal levels.
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The importance of hormone balance

Because hormones are involved in so many of the body's functions, hormone balance is important for you to maintain good health. When your hormones are in the right balance, your body can handle stress, regulate metabolism, support your immune system and other things it needs to function and keep you feeling well.

Hormones out of balance can be a major detriment to your health and result in symptoms such as weight gain, sleep disorders, skin problems and mood swings.

Maintain your hormone balance

To maintain your hormonal balance, it is good to eat a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, stress less and get enough sleep. There are also aids in the form of dietary supplements that you can take to help maintain your hormonal balance.

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Hormonal balance
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