Good Gut Feeling - The products for the stomach <3 article image

Good Gut Feeling - The products for the stomach <3

We have created a product range 100% dedicated to the well-being of the stomach. Many people today have recurring or temporary stomach problems of various kinds and a little outside help may be needed. Good Gut Feeling consists of three products that target the stomach in different ways. Fiber Complex, Lactic Acid Bacteria + Enzymes and Silicol Gel. Premium products that fit perfectly together or on their own.

Fiber Complex

Did you know that 7 out of 10 in Sweden eat too little fibre? Our Fiber Complex is a mixture of three different fibers in powder form. The combination of gluten-free oat fiber, psyllium seed husks and resistant starch from potatoes is perfect together as they contribute in different ways to digestion and bowel function. Fiber Complex is great if you have a sluggish stomach and need a little boost, but it also has water-binding properties that help with loose stomachs. This is also the only dietary supplement in Sweden certified by FODMAP Friendly, which means that it has been analyzed with regard to the content of fermentable substances that can cause stomach problems for you with, for example, IBS. The fiber mixture is mixed with any liquid and preferably shaken in a shaker so that the powder dissolves properly.

ATTENTION! For those of you who think you shouldn't eat fiber because of IBS or other stomach problems? YES, you can absolutely eat fiber, you just have to choose the right kinds! Fiber Complex is a stomach-friendly fiber supplement that can be taken regularly or as needed.

Lactic acid bacteria + Enzymes

We have billions of bacteria in the large intestine and we usually call this collection "intestinal flora". A good intestinal flora is linked to a number of health benefits, which you are probably aware of. If you want to add good bacteria from the outside, you can do it in different ways. There are live bacteria in, for example, sauerkraut, kimchi and other fermented vegetables, but also in the drink kombucha. Our product Lactic acid bacteria + Enzymes is a combination product for the stomach with a whopping 25 billion live lactic acid bacteria (per 2 capsules) together with digestive enzymes and calcium. Calcium is added as it contributes to the normal function of the digestive enzymes. It is a high-dose product that gives you lactic acid bacteria from 4 different well-documented strains and 3 different types of digestive enzymes that break down both carbohydrates, fat and protein.

Silicone Gel

Silicol is a gel consisting of colloidal silicic acid. Silicol is used as a treatment for stomach and intestinal problems such as:

  • Heartburn
  • Acid reflux
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Gas formation
  • Stomach ache
  • Intestinal discomfort

Silicol can be taken regularly or as needed and has no known side effects. If there is only one product you should have at home as a savior in times of need, it is Silicol! It is also perfect to take on a trip as certain dietary changes can make your stomach upset on holiday.