Why is iron so important? article image

Why is iron so important?

Iron is a mineral important for many functions in the body and is a nutrient that the body cannot produce itself, but you must supply it through food and/or dietary supplements. Today, iron deficiency is the world's most common nutritional deficiency (after protein deficiency, which is still common in some countries), and it is therefore important that you keep track of your iron intake. The reason why iron deficiency is so common is partly because certain forms of iron are not absorbed well by the body and partly because women lose iron with each menstruation. Iron deficiency is therefore more common among women than among men. In addition, iron is especially important during pregnancy, which also affects women. Men can also be low in iron, but then it is usually related to low absorption and/or an iron-poor diet.

The body needs iron for:

Red blood cell production and oxygen transport

Iron is important for the production of hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is a protein whose job is to bind oxygen in the lungs and then transport it via the bloodstream to the various organs of the body that need oxygen to function. Hemoglobin also has the job of picking up carbon dioxide (which is a waste product) on the way back to the lungs so that we can exhale it. In other words, iron plays an extremely important role in the function of red blood cells and thus how well the body's organs are oxygenated. If you have too little iron in your body, oxygen transport is impaired, resulting in fatigue and making you more likely to become short of breath.

Energy metabolism

In order for the body's cells to produce energy, a number of nutrients are needed, including iron. Iron acts as a catalyst inside the cell so that energy production works properly. This is why iron deficiency can cause fatigue, which is also a very common symptom of low iron levels.

Immune system function

Iron is an important mineral for a healthy immune system. Low levels of iron are linked to increased susceptibility to infection, reduced white blood cell counts, and reduced antibody production.

Cognitive functions

Iron is also important for the brain's cognitive development and functions as it is involved in the brain's energy production, myelination of nerve fibers and synthesis of neurotransmitters such as GABA, dopamine and serotonin.

Cell division

During cell division, DNA replication also occurs, meaning the DNA in the dividing cell is copied to the new cell. For this process to occur correctly, many different substances are needed, including iron.

Reduces fatigue and exhaustion

Iron reduces tiredness and fatigue related to low iron levels due to its role in the blood's oxygen transport and the cells' energy production.

Do all iron supplements affect the stomach?

No, it depends on the source of iron in the supplement and the dose you take. Some forms of iron can be more irritating to the stomach than others. If you have a sensitive stomach, organic forms of iron, such as ferrous bisglycinate, may be a better option as they are gentler on the stomach.

Tips and advice

A good intake of vitamin C helps your body absorb more of the iron you take in. The reason is that vitamin C converts iron from the diet into a form that is easier for the body to absorb. Foods with a high iron content include liver pâté, black pudding, meat, fish, eggs, but also in vegetables such as spinach, dried apricots, nuts and legumes. The form of iron found in animal foods is absorbed better by the body than iron from plant-based foods, so intake of vitamin C is especially important for increased absorption.