10 dietary supplement tips for you who are vegan article image

10 dietary supplement tips for you who are vegan

Living as a vegan is a lifestyle and a diet that means refraining from consuming and using animal products for ethical, environmental and health reasons. Reasons for many to become vegan are a desire to reduce negative impacts on animals, the environment and to support one's own health by making conscious choices in everyday life.

According to research, there are several health benefits of eating a plant-based diet, but there are also substances you should be aware of in order not to get a deficiency. Examples of nutrients found in low levels in vegan foods are vitamin B12, omega-3, iron and vitamin D.

If you eat a well-thought-out, varied plant-based diet, you can get most of it, but there are still challenges with vitamin B12 and D3 in particular.

Dietary supplements

But you don't always make perfect dietary choices and you don't always have the time and energy to cook the perfect meal. Therefore, we have compiled 10 tips on food supplements that will help you ensure optimal nutritional intake as a vegan.

Vitamin B12 - A vitamin that is only found in animal foods and which is important for you as a vegan to keep track of. B12 is, among other things, involved in energy metabolism, production of red blood cells, nervous system and immune system functions.

Vitamin D - A vitamin that not only vegans find it difficult to get enough of through the diet. Vitamin D is mainly found in fatty fish, fortified dairy products, fortified plant-based dairy products, but also a little in eggs and meat. However, it is not a large amount, so a dietary supplement can be a convenient option to ensure optimal intake.

Omega-3 - Omega-3 is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, walnuts and canola oil, among others. The most essential omega-3 fatty acids are called DHA and EPA and are unfortunately not found in the plant-based diet (except in certain algae). Since fatty fish is the primary source of these, a vegan food supplement based on algae oil can be a good alternative.

Iron - Iron is a mineral that the body needs for, among other things, energy metabolism, the production of red blood cells and the body's oxygen transport, as well as the brain's cognitive functions. Lack of iron is one of the world's most common nutritional deficiencies, which is largely due to the fact that women menstruate and lose blood every month and thus have an increased need for iron.

Iron can also be difficult for the body to absorb in certain plant-based foods, so for vegans it can be extra important.

Zinc - Zinc is a mineral with importance for, among other things, hair, skin and nails, fertility, immune system, cognitive functions, acid-base balance and eyesight. Vegans may need extra zinc as many animal foods contain zinc. If you eat a lot of legumes, nuts and seeds as well as whole grain products, your daily requirement is still covered through your diet.

Selenium - Selenium is a mineral that unfortunately can be tricky to get optimal amounts of through the diet. Selenium is found in the soil we grow in, but it has decreased sharply in recent decades, which means that less selenium is found in the food we eat. Selenium is important for the immune system and the thyroid gland to function normally, but it is also needed for hair and nails and acts as an antioxidant.

Magnesium - Magnesium is a mineral that the body needs relatively large amounts of every day. Women should eat at least 280 mg daily and men 350 mg. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are muscle cramps in the calves, for example, but also fatigue. Hard training can lead to an increased need for magnesium.

B-Complex - A supplement that contains all B vitamins can be a good option to ensure the daily need for B vitamins including vitamin B-12. Stress, hard training and pregnancy are examples of conditions where the need for B vitamins can increase. Vegans may have an increased need as many B vitamin-rich animal foods are excluded from the diet.

Vitamin C - As a vegan, you usually get sufficient amounts of vitamin C through your diet if you eat fruit, berries and vegetables daily. This applies not only to vegans but also to everyone else. What can be positive about eating a little extra vitamin C as a vegan is that it increases the absorption of iron in the diet and since it can be a challenge to achieve the daily requirement of iron via plant-based foods, this is an advantage.

Multi Woman and Multi Man - If you want to make it easy for yourself, there are our fantastic multivitamins. Both are completely vegan and contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs, digestive enzymes and lactic acid bacteria!