Purefish! - Information


The first study to show the benefits of fatty fish was published as early as 1937. Researchers had examined the diets of Eskimos and discovered that their high intake of fatty fish, seals and whales protected them against many of the common welfare diseases of the Western world. Research continued until the 1990s, when the focus instead shifted to the pure, essential fatty acids in fish – omega-3.

EPA and DHA - the essential fatty acids

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are two of the most well-known omega-3 fatty acids and are incredibly important for good health. EPA and DHA contribute to brain function, heart health, normal vision and are also very important for fetal development in pregnant women. These fatty acids must be supplied through the diet, as the body cannot manufacture them, and they are found naturally in fatty fish such as salmon, herring, sandeel and cod liver.

Wild-caught herring, sandeel and cod

Purefish® contains oil from wild-caught herring, sandeel and cod, all caught in the Barents Sea. The cod is caught by CodMarine, a sustainable Norwegian fishing company that produces the fish oil directly on the ship to guarantee one of the freshest crude oils in the world. CodMarine oil is both MSC and Friend of the Sea certified, which means it is sustainably fished.

High-quality oil from Norwegian salmon

Purefish® also contains high-quality oil from Norwegian farmed salmon produced north of the Arctic Circle in Norway, and consists of 100% natural triglyceride oil with all natural fatty acids preserved. The oil contains the important fatty acids omega-3, -6 and -9, all of which have a number of health benefits and are important for cardiovascular health, among other things. These fatty acids come from the salmon's feed, which consists of a mixture of fish and vegetable oils, which provides a unique nutritional composition. The oil is sustainably produced and produced from the leftovers from the salmon after it is processed for other purposes, which ensures that the whole salmon is used and nothing is wasted.