Folic acid

Bioavailable folic acid from Quatrefolic®

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129 kr

Over 20 years of experience

Developed in Sweden

Healthy choice

  • With Quatrefolic® (patented form of folic acid)
  • Active form of folic acid easy for the body to absorb
  • Contributes to tissue growth in pregnant women
  • Helps reduce fatigue and exhaustion
  • Contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Contributes to normal psychological function

Elexir Folic acid consists of folic acid from Quatrefolic®, which is a patented, high-quality, active form of folic acid easy for the body to absorb. Folic acid is a B vitamin of great importance for you who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. The Swedish Food Agency recommends that women take supplements of folic acid to ensure adequate levels in the body for the fetus to develop normally during pregnancy. Folic acid is important for the development of the fetal neural tube and can cause spina bifida if it is deficient in the mother.

Folic acid – Quatrefolic®

Folic acid often comes in a so-called non-methylated form in food supplements, which means that the body itself has to convert it into a methylated, active form that can then be used for various functions in the body. This process is differently efficient in each individual, therefore a methylated form is preferred to ensure that the vitamin is absorbed. Quatrefolic® is a patented form of active folic acid with very high bioavailability and is absorbed three times faster by the body than regular folic acid.

Important during pregnancy

The Swedish Food Agency recommends that all women who are or want to become pregnant take folic acid supplements to ensure adequate levels in the mother so that the fetus can develop normally. It is because of folic acid's important function in the cell division process that it is of such great importance during pregnancy and fetal development. It is above all neural tube defects that you want to prevent by recommending folic acid supplements. Neural tube defects are a group of congenital conditions that result from a lack of closure of the structures surrounding the spinal cord (that is, the spinal canal, also called the neural tube). Neural tube defects are also called spina bifida and can cause very serious defects/damages to the fetus. Folic acid is found in most foods but in varying amounts. Some examples of food that contains a lot of folic acid (or folate as it is called in food) are dark green leafy vegetables such as cabbage of various kinds, spinach, legumes, fruit, berries, skim milk and whole grain products etc.

Other functions of the body

Folic acid is not only important during pregnancy, but of course has many other important functions in the body, in both men, women and children. Folic acid is needed for DNA synthesis, amino acid metabolism, blood formation (together with vitamin B12), for the immune system to function normally, psychological functions and it also reduces fatigue and exhaustion. Another important function is that folic acid contributes to normal homocysteine ​​turnover. Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid that forms naturally in the body in connection with metabolism (the process in which the body converts what you have eaten into energy). Elevated homocysteine ​​values ​​(ie when the body does not convert this amino acid as it should) are linked to a number of health problems and can also indicate a deficiency of folic acid along with vitamins B6 and B12.