Stress is basically a good and necessary function of ours that has allowed us to survive dangerous situations, especially in the past. In the past, stress was an acute reaction to immediate danger, such as a hungry lion. It was a short-term and transient stress reaction developed to benefit our survival and was followed by recovery.
In today's society, we live with a different type of stress where deadly animals are not the most common cause, but it is about everyday puzzles, work, relationships, finances, separations and social situations, for example. Stress today is also rarely acute and short-term as it was in the past, but long-term and chronic. This long-term form of stress does not benefit us, but on the contrary is downright harmful. We need recovery to be able to cope and without it, the body never gets the rest it needs to replenish new energy.
Signs that you are stressed
When you feel stressed, it takes a huge energy boost for the body and can cause many different symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms are difficulty concentrating, poor memory, depression and anxiety, sleep problems, irritability, fatigue, stomach problems, muscle pain, comfort eating, heart palpitations, dizziness, chest pressure, headaches, etc.
What often happens if you deal with chronic stress over a long period of time is that it leads to exhaustion and burnout. The road back from burnout can be long and requires a lot of work, so it's important to take the warning signs seriously and do something about your situation before it gets too far.
What happens in the body?
When we (our brain) perceive a situation as threatening, signals are sent to the sympathetic nervous system directly and the body goes into "fight or flight". The sympathetic nervous system then directly affects our breathing, blood pressure and pulse, i.e. functions we cannot control ourselves at will. This is done with the help of various stress hormones - cortisol, noradrenaline and adrenaline which are secreted from the adrenal glands and sent into the blood. These hormones cause the pulse and blood pressure to increase and ensure that the muscles and brain quickly receive energy in the form of sugar. We become more tolerant of pain, digestion stops and all organs that are not needed for escape receive less blood flow. These functions are extremely important for running away from dangerous animals or in other ways fighting for our lives, as humans did in the past. In today's society, we rarely run away from deadly animals, but the stress reaction in the body is the same, although for different reasons.
How do you prevent stress?
A key to preventing stress is to practice saying no, i.e. don't take on more tasks than you can handle and set clear boundaries. This of course applies both privately and in the workplace. Prioritize recovery so that the body gets rest and an opportunity to recharge, sleep is very important! Exercise and healthy eating are of course also important parts of preventing stress as it strengthens the body and creates resilience and gives you better conditions to handle everyday life with all that it entails.
Wonderful feel-good tips!
- Surround yourself with people who make you happy!
- Do a form of exercise you enjoy.
- Eat healthy, tasty food
- Go for a massage
- Prioritize good sleep
- Do things you enjoy as often as you can.
- Listen to inspiring podcasts
- Read a really good book
- Make your home a cozy, lovely place to be
- Get fresh air every day if possible
- Walks
- Listen to nice music
The list of things that make you happy and feel good can certainly be made even longer, you know best what works for you. Focus on what is positive and create more of it in your everyday life. Try to influence the things that weigh you down and if you can't influence them, try to accept them. <3