NEW YEAR - NEW ENERGY! article image


Welcome to a new year! A completely unwritten chapter waiting to be written, so exciting! So how can you start this new year in the best way? Here are some inspiring thoughts to give you a strong start to the new year:

  1. Reflect on the past year with gratitude: Take a moment to reflect on the past year with gratitude and consider whether you learned any new lessons to take with you going forward. Remember that every experience has made you stronger.
  2. Set clear and realistic goals: Goals provide direction and increase the chances that it will turn out the way you want. Set clear, measurable and realistic goals that challenge you to grow and strive to develop. Break your goals down into smaller sub-goals to make them more manageable and increase the chance of achieving them.
  3. Create a positive mindset: Your mind is powerful and can shape your reality. Focus on the positive, challenge negative thought patterns and surround yourself with inspiring people.
  4. Follow your passions: This is your year to follow your passions and do what really makes your heart beat faster. Whether it's learning something new, traveling, starting a project or personal development, follow your passions and listen to your gut!
  5. Prioritize health and well-being: Health is a fundamental building block for feeling well, both physically and mentally. Take care of your physical and mental health by eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and taking time for relaxation and recovery.
  6. Create a meaningful routine: Plan your days with a balance between work, rest and leisure activities to create a sustainable and rewarding lifestyle.
  7. Surround yourself with positive people: Your social network affects your energy and motivation. Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you and watch out for energy thieves.

Of course, we also want to send you some tips and inspiration regarding health and nutritional supplements. Before a new year, you usually feel a lot of pep and motivation to live more healthily with nutritious food and regular exercise. Something we obviously want to encourage and contribute with tips and inspiration!

Tips on products for the immune system

Vitamin D3 min : Vitamin D is a vitamin that many people need a little extra now during the winter months. We have a wide range of D vitamins in different strengths and also with a vegan formula.

Vitamin C : Vitamin C is both a vitamin and an antioxidant and works for the function of the immune system. We have two vitamin C complexes of 500 mg and 1000 mg , see which one suits you best.

Zinc : Zinc is a mineral that acts on a broad front in the body. One of zinc's most important tasks is to contribute to the function of the immune system.

Tips on products with a focus on muscles and joints for those who exercise

Magnesium : Magnesium is a mineral with many functions of which muscle function is one of them. Magnesium also reduces fatigue and exhaustion.

Collagen : Collagen is a body substance that is abundant in joints but also in muscles. We have several collagen alternatives in the form of tablets , marine powder and bovine powder .

Omega-3 : Omega-3 from fish oil is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that the body cannot produce itself and which have many important functions. We also have a vegan Omega-3 from cultivated algae.

Tips on basic products that suit the vast majority of people:

Vitamin D3 : We get vitamin D from the sun during the summer, during autumn and winter dietary supplements can be a supplement to the diet to ensure the body's needs. Click here to see our full range of D vitamins.

Magnesium : Magnesium is a valued mineral for muscles and energy. We haveMagnesium 375 mg , Magnesium 250 mg and also a Magnesium Chewable Tablet with lime and lemon flavor!

Omega-3 : Omega-3 are important fatty acids for, among other things, the heart, brain and eyesight. The primary source of omega-3 is fish or fish oil, but it is also found in algae for those looking for a vegan alternative . Our range of Omega-3 consists of Omega-3 forte , Purefish and Omega-3 Vegan .

Multi Man and Multi Woman : Multivitamins with over 30 substances adapted for men and women. Two of the market's most complete products with vitamins, minerals, herbs, lactic acid bacteria and digestive enzymes!